Youth Ministry

Welcome to Renew!

The Renew Youth Ministry meets on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the youth room. Their mission is to point the youth of Cincinnati to Christ through fellowship and Bible study so that youth may be continually be renewed in Jesus’ image. Renew stands for Responding to the Gospel, Engaging in God’s Word, Nurturing our Faith, Evangelizing the World, and Waiting for Christ’s return. Our Sunday youth time includes a lesson, followship, and fun things such as scavenger hunts, canvas paintings, and games. We also periodically do community service activities, mission trips, and fun trips. Beginning Thursday September 19, there will be a weekly after school youth program on Thursdays from 3-4:30 p.m., including a lesson, video game consoles, ping-pong, board games, basketball, snacks and conversation. The youth group is open to all youth grades 6-12. Our youth leader is Ali Scully.